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Pretty savvy! Uniqlo is like a Japanese H&M with lots of great graphic shirts done by cool designers (they just released a series of Metal Gear Solid 4 Fashion tshirts). They have them in NYC, but I don't think there are any on the west coast yet.


Uniqlock got awards in Tokyo Interactive Ad Awards and the Clio Awards Interactive Grand Prix. A couple of friends that I know have worked for this ad campaign. Pretty good stuff! And yes I love uniqlo clothes. Today I wear their socks, jacket and pants, at least :)

Lisa Phillips

-1 for auto-play video on vox neighborhood


Hahaha.  Sorry man, its a clock, its always on!


I was fooled!  When I clicked on the 'uniqlock' link in reader I thought you were going to write about some slick, new unix command.  Doesn't 'uniqlock' sound like some sort of mutex-grabbing command?

Nob Seki

Stopping clock may be an interesting idea :-)

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